Saturday, August 29, 2009

School Daze

I remember being excited about dresses by Grandmother loving sewed and smocked for me to wear. "Home sewn" for my sons means from the local Old Navy or Target.

I remember carrying my Shirt Tales backpack and Holly Hobbie lunchbox proudly.
These days, my kids have to have BPA-free, environmentally friendly, uber-expensive lunch totes - and their backpacks are so big and heavy that they wouldn't be allowed as airline baggage!

And whatever happened to Trapper Keepers? I remember being outraged that they were "outlawed" by the school when I was in about 4th grade...

Remember doing math on a slide rule and an abacus?

Ok, me neither - but we did take typing on actual typewriters and knew little of fancy schmancy graphing calculators, high powered computers, and the internet back then . (That was probably a good thing as I think I got into a lot of trouble on the internet in college!)

I don't ever remember having such lengthy school supply lists as a child as my children do now - but that is probably just because I was a kid and wasn't stressed about the length of the supply list and the amount of dent it is going to place in the parents' pocketbook!


  1. You must be old if you can remember Holly Hobby or had Holly Hobby anything! haha

  2. You won the Love YA Lunch Labels@ JDaniel4's Mom. I will be contacting you via e-mail for your address.

  3. Hi Marianna! Thanks so much for your sweet visit! Happy 2010! Have a lovely day! :)

  4. It is scary kids actually have to wheel their supplies with one of those carryon looking bags with wheels. Yikes!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy Monday!

  6. Good luck on your new blog! I've signed on to follow! Thanks for you visit! Coralie

  7. while i didn't work on slide rules. i did learn to type on manual typewriters with no letters. it's the best way.

  8. Popping by! I see that you are a nurse too! I'm currently a SAHM but was a Transplant Nurse for 12 years.

    Following you through Google.

  9. Oh man I so had Strawberry Shortcake! LOL

    The list is crazy for school, thankfully Cole's school doesn't allow characters etc so it made shopping easier.
